Friday, 12 June 2020

Cruinniú na nÓg

Cruinniú na nÓg, Ireland's national day of free creativity for children and young people is on tomorrow, 13th June. This year everything is going online. Everything you will need for a fantastic day of creativity is available right here; from making your own video game, to having a céilí in your kitchen. From learning how to make a really cool kite to making up fabulous stories about one of Ireland's Great Lighthouses. Don't wait until 13th June , get started now...Cruinniú na nÓg 2020 is going to be great.

Hard at work!

It's great to see the effort you are all making to keep learning while you are at home. 
Well done everyone!

Saturday, 6 June 2020

Light and Shadows

Last week's activity for Art was to make Shadow puppets. With all the nice weather we had, there were shadows everywhere but this is a wonderful puppet theatre that could be made at home to entertain all the family!

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Nature All Around

I hope you’re all getting out and about, having fun and getting up close with nature! With all the walking everyone is doing these days, it’s a great opportunity for learning more about the world around us. On one of my walks this week, I found this nest on the road, it must have fallen from a nearby tree. It’s small, warm and cosy, made from hay, soft feathers and horse hair! I’m sure the little birds that hatched have learned how to fly and are off exploring the hedges and trees, in search of friends and fun! 

Monday, 1 June 2020

Design an Ice-cream!

One of Room 12's tasks last week was to design an ice-cream, yum! Well, I definitely think I'd be happy with this ice-cream with all the beautiful weather over the Bank Holiday weekend!