Thursday, 26 May 2022

Grand Opening of Prefab 3

 May 26th was an important day for our class. We had our official Grand Opening of Prefab 3! 

We invited all the important celebrities from school and Ms. Leonard cut the ribbon! After a lot of preparation (writing a guest list, making and delivering invitations, decorating the classroom and baking), we were ready to sit down with our guests for a cup of tea and delicious treats!

Now, we are officially Prefab 3! 

We love our new classroom!

Friday Morning Wellness

 It's so important to take care of ourselves so we can't wait for Friday Wellness class!

Sunflower Maths

 What a great way to learn about length in maths! We used our sunflower plants and lined them up by size! Biggest to smallest and shortest to tallest!

Dino Visit

 A science visitor, Dale, from Australia, taught us about some scary dinosaurs and even brought a few along for us to meet!

What's cooking?

As always, Room 12/Prefab 3 love our weekly cooking and baking! Here are some photos of our latest delicious recipes. Our Fish Pie Bites were delicious! We loved going to the fish counter in the supermarket to choose the freshest salmon! The Cauliflower Breakfast Muffins were so good and super healthy. Of course, you have to bake some treats from time to time so for our Grand Opening Day for Prefab 3, we made Rocky Road and Fairy Cakes!

We are all Upstanders!

 The week before Easter was Anti-Bullying Week where we learned how important it is to be a good Upstander! We stand up for our friends and speak out against bullying behaviour! We are all connected by a web of FRIENDSHIP!